🌙 Welcome, fellow magical mavens and enchanting enthusiasts! Prepare to unleash your inner bookworm and embrace the mystical pages that await. We've conjured up something truly spellbinding for you today – a treasure trove of free Kindle books on the art of witchcraft. From potions to spells, from broomstick maneuvers to divination delights, these literary wonders will cast a bewitching charm on your imagination. So grab your cauldron of curiosity, ignite your Kindle, and let's dive into a world where knowledge is the most potent elixir of all. But be warned, once you step into this realm of literary sorcery, there's no turning back – you might just find yourself utterly bewitched, with a perpetually growing TBR (To Be Read) pile!✨📚
Free Kindle Books in The Craft
Wicca Starter Kit for Beginners: The Essential Guide to Wiccan Traditions, Eclectic Witches, Solitary Practitioners, and Finding Your Path: Are you looking to learn about Wiccan Path? Have you heard about it before, but you're not sure what it's all about? Then Wicca Starter Kit for Beginners is your answer. With simple, easy-to-understand explanations, this comprehensive and detailed guide gives you everything you need to know about how to start your Wiccan journey.
Witch Herbs: Natural Magic for Insomnia: Enter a world where the magic of nature intertwines with the soothing properties of herbs. With "Witch Herbs" you will embark on a transformative journey that explores the power of plants to calm the mind, relax the body, and invite deep, rejuvenating sleep.
Money Spells: A compilation of rituals meant to assist you in navigating and tapping into the universal energy currents that govern wealth, power, and status. It is a collection of varied practices drawn from diverse cultural and historical contexts, offering a unique intersection where the mystical dances with the material, and the intentional command has the power to steer personal fortunes.
Celestial Crystals: Creating a New Healing Modality: Attune to all existing crystals on this planet and then expand to the full consciousness of the Crystal Universe
Candle Magic for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Wiccan Candle Magic for Spells, Rituals, Love, Protection, and Prosperity: Candle Magic for Beginners is packed with all of the knowledge, spells, and essential information that you need to quickly become acquainted with this interesting, exciting, and fun topic.
Egyptian Gods: Discover the Ancient Gods of Egyptian Mythology: A look at the principal gods of Ancient Egypt gives insight into the culture of world's first great civilization. Even today, their moments, their obelisks, and their pyramids endure and remind us that people can leave lasting marks on the world that humble and inspire us all.
The Easy Guide to Wicca for Beginners: 2 Books in 1 - Learn Wiccan Traditions, Eclectic Witches, Solitary Practitioners, Candle Magic, and Protection Spells (Wicca Spells and Witchcraft Rituals): With simple, easy-to-understand explanations, this comprehensive and detailed guide gives you everything you need to know about how to start your Wiccan journey.
Mysticism: Secrets of the Mystics, Occultism, Alchemy and Hermeticism: Four manuscripts in one book: Mysticism, Occultism, Alchemy, and Hermeticism.
Astrology 101: Decoding Your Energetic Signature: Astrology 101 is a course in basic astrology for the curious alchemist. If you have ever dabbled in astrology, asked someone about their sign or wanted to know how to understand your astrological blueprint, this book is for you! You learn how to plot your own natal chart, the energetic signatures of the zodiac signs and how to apply them to your big three: your sun, moon and rising signs. This gives you the power to unlock your astrological blueprint and take the power of the stars into your own hands.
Protection Magick and Enochian Magick: Two manuscripts in one book: Protection Magick: The Ultimate Guide to Using Magical Rituals, Spells and Angelic Protection for Psychic Self-Defense & Enochian Magic: Unlock the Secrets of the Book of Enoch, Ceremonial Magick, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, Archangels, Angelic Sigils, Kabbalah, and Invocation
Crystals and Healing Stones: Daily Rituals for Witches and Wiccans: Crystals and stones have long been used to heal people physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and their use has been well-documented for centuries. It’s a fascinating subject that can change your life for good and only for the best. This short guide briefly introduces healing crystals and stones and how best to use them to achieve your goals and intentions.
Witchcraft for Beginners: A Practical 2-in-1 Book of Shadows & Grimoire for the New Witch: Witchcraft for Beginners - A Practical 2-in-1 Book of Shadows & Grimoire for the New Witch is a beautifully decorated, practical guide for learning about Wicca and the craft. With over 500 pages of beautiful 'old world style' graphics, you will feel like to have a vintage Spell Book right in your own hands. With plenty of room for you to write your own spells and information, it also includes 'adult coloring book' style graphics that are just waiting for you to add your own energy, color and flair to genuinely connect to, and make this book your own.
Spirit Guides for Beginners: How to Hear the Universe's Call and Communicate with Your Spirit Guide and Guardian Angels (Law of Attraction Secrets Book 1: If you’ve ever lacked a sense of direction, a sense of purpose, felt torn down by your struggles and hardships, or just wanted something more, then there’s a reason this book has found a way into your life.
The Bible Of Medicinal Plants: Save Thousands With The Complete Beginners Guide On: Planting, Growing, And Harvesting Plants And Herbs To Use In Your Daily Life: End your trips to the pharmacy – make your backyard or porch the only one-stop medicinal shop you’ll ever need. Your chance to take advantage of nature’s apothecary is here – live your best life and wake up every day with a boost of energy and a spring in your step.
Witchcraft Chronicles: Empowering Enchantments for Transformative Life Spells: Within the pages of this grimoire, you hold a precious key to unlock the secrets of the ancient craft that has been passed down through generations. Welcome to the Witchcraft Chronicles, a sacred compendium of empowering enchantments that will guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. Here, you will find a tapestry of spells, rituals, and wisdom that will empower you to create the life you desire and harness the magic that resides within.
Hoodoo Book of Spells for Beginners: Easy and Effective Rootwork, Conjuring, and Protection Spells for Healing and Prosperity (Witchcraft for Beginners 1): Within the following chapters and passages of Hoodoo Book of Spells for Beginners, Layla Moon takes you on a journey into your heritage to one of the most enlightening magics around today. For a beginner, this is the perfect companion for getting started. You’ll gain valuable insight into the history of this magic, its origins, and some clear ideas of what this magic is capable of, as well as some guidance on how you can prepare to use it in your own life.
The Witches' Journal: Recipes, spells, poems, tea leaves, candles, familiars, and more... (Witchwood Estate Collectables): A fun little book to help you find your inner witch. Recipes, spells, birthstones, witchcraft terminology, candles, flowers, poetry, broom history, animal familiars, tea leaf reading, and more.
Wicca Herbal Magic: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Wiccan Herbal Magic (with Magical Oils, Baths, Teas and Spells): Herbs are extremely important in Wicca, and you’ll find that there are many herbs that are easy to start with. Many of these herbs you can grow in your own garden and this book will Ateach you everything from what the herb is used for and how to cultivate it all the way to what spells you can use them in. In this book, you’ll find spells for luck, love, divination and so much more. You can kiss bad dreams goodbye, and these spells and rituals will help to enhance your quality of life.
One Heart, Many Gods: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Devotional Polytheism: One Heart, Many Gods is a quick, down-and-dirty guide to building a daily devotional practice, written with the absolute beginner to Polytheism in mind.
The Unseen Realm: An Introduction To The Realm Of The Supernatural: In this book, you will finish charged for exploits with exposure to several elements of the unseen available to you.
100 Wiccan Spells for Beginners & Enthusiasts: An exciting journey of self-discovery begins: With this book of 100 Wiccan spells, you will have everything you need to create a sacred space that reflects your own personal style and inspiration. Don't miss out on the magic that awaits you! Let this book of 100 Wiccan spells guide you on your mystical journey, and let your path unfold in its own unique and magical way!
History/ Non-Fiction
The Superstitions of Witchcraft: "The Superstitions of Witchcraft" is designed to exhibit a consecutive review of the characteristics forms and facts of a creed which, if at presently dead, or at least harmless in Christendom) in the seventeenth century was a living and lively faith, and caused thousands of victims to be sent to the torture-chamber, to the stake, and to the scaffold. At this day, the remembrance of its superhuman art, in its different manifestations, is immortalized in the everyday language of the people of Europe.
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697): The true story of witchcraft in old Connecticut has never been told. It has been hidden in the ancient records and in manuscripts in private collections, and those most conversant with the facts have not made them known, for one reason or another. It is herein written from authoritative sources and should prove of interest and value as a present-day interpretation of that strange delusion, which for half a century darkened the lives of the forefathers and foremothers of the colonial days.
A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718: In its original form, this essay was the dissertation submitted for a doctorate in philosophy conferred by Yale University in 1908. When first published, it was the writer's purpose to take up the subject of English witchcraft under certain general political and social aspects. It was not long, however, before he began to feel that preliminary to such a treatment, there was necessary a chronological survey of the witch trials. For this reason, it was determined to attempt a chronological treatment which would give a narrative history of the more significant trials along with some account of the progress of opinion
Feeling Exclusion: Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern Europe: Feeling Exclusion: Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern Europe investigates the emotional experience of exclusion at the heart of the religious life of persecuted and exiled individuals and communities in early modern Europe.
Celtic Mythology: A Concise Guide to the Gods, Sagas and Beliefs (Greek Mythology - Norse Mythology - Egyptian Mythology - Celtic Mythology): This introduction to Celtic Mythology will serve the novice well – for it is a complicated history with the earliest written records destroyed by the marauding Vikings.
Mindful Framing: A mere fifteen minutes of mindful framing in the morning creates a solid mental framework for the rest of the day. You are the screenwriter and director of a lifestyle movie leading to a calm mind, healthy relationships and a vigorous body.
The Green Witch's Guide to Self-Care: Natural Spells, Rituals, and Remedies for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit: The green witch lives in harmony with the Earth, using elements of nature like plants, herbs, and crystals to grow their craft and strengthen their spirit. Uncover the link between green witchcraft and self-care with this collection of practices and spells that can help you cure everything from a headache to a heartache.
Empath: An Empowering Book for the Highly Sensitive Person on Utilizing Your Unique Ability and Maximizing Your Human Potential (Master Your Emotional Intelligence): Do you feel so emotionally delicate in comparison to your peers that you have tried to block out what is going on around you? You may have even resorted to coping mechanisms such as overeating, overworking, or smoking as a means of managing your emotions. Maybe you have tried to “grow a thicker skin,” or attempted to cover up your feelings with humor? Perhaps you have always felt different to others since childhood, but could never quite put your finger on why. If this description resonates with you, congratulations! You may well be an Empath.
Meditation for Beginners: Easy Techniques to Relieve Stress, Depression, and Anxiety and Increase Inner Peace and Motivation for Life: In this title, you'll find out why, how and when it's best to settle your thoughts, and come out stronger with crystal clarity and well-being. Meditation is especially effective if you're dealing with depression, anxiety or chronic stress. It can increase your inner peace and motivation for life's every task.
EMPATH : An Extensive Guide For Developing Your Gift Of Intuition To Thrive In Life (Empath Series): As an empath, it’s important to know that you are not alone and that there are certain things you can do to protect yourself and maintain your emotional strength. There are certain exercises, journaling prompts, and meditations that can initiate spiritual healing and empower this inner energy.
A Familiar's Guidance: When a Witch has no one else to turn to: Unaryn is always making mistakes or attempting spells she's not ready for. But when it's time for her yearly exam can she find the courage to pass on her own? Her Familiar, Hex, believes she can.
The Reluctant Witch: Year One: A young witch who just wants to be invisible. A beautiful mermaid who doesn’t belong. A secret relationship that threatens the entire academy.
Ghostly Curse : Psychic Jaime Sanders wants a normal life for her three children. But there is one catch. She is a witch. Drawn into a world of ghosts and spirits, she is forced to use her powers and fights to defend her family.
Familiar Spirits: An inept witch, a cozy town, and an old dark magic.
Sinner: What does a girl who envies the creep and darkness of a shadow become? From the time she was born, Matea had a connection to Santa Muerte that seemed to linger inside her. Matea's world seemed to bend around her in a way that no one else could comprehend. She trembled with an unexplained intensity, knowing that the cosmic forces and strange intuitions driving her forward were going to be impossible to control. Promised to Santa Muerte at birth Matea's life felt like it was constantly on the edge of something unpredictable and fear filled Matea's body as she considered what type of power, she may ultimately be capable of. Who could keep Matea from Santa Muerte's oppressive forces, and who would keep the world safe from Matea?
The Magician (Urban Tarot Collection Book 2): In this powerful metaphysical tale of romance, revenge, and violence, Dick and Jane go into hiding after taking a gym bag full of cash from an ex-prostitute named Princess. When Jane ventures into a seedy nightclub, she runs headfirst into Ruby, who is looking for the cash. But Ruby also knows something about Princess: she has begun claiming that she can see the future and that free will does not exist. Princess has touched a mysterious black rock that has connected her with beings known as Cretans, who appear to control reality itself. Jane’s sanity is tested when she meets Monique, who appears to be one of these mysterious otherworldly beings. As Jane begins to suspect that she might be losing her grip, Dick remains at her side, hiding his own deep secrets about the Cretans.
⚡️ Hey there, fellow magic-makers! We've got a little secret to share – like a hidden ingredient in a powerful spell. You see, some of the links we've sprinkled throughout this post are cunning little creatures called affiliate links. Don't worry, they won't cast a hex on your wallet or steal your mojo. In fact, they're quite harmless and simply help us keep the cauldron bubbling here at our mystical headquarters. If you decide to click on one of these magical links and make a purchase, we may earn a tiny enchantment – oops, we mean commission – at no extra cost to you. So, if you find something that speaks to your mystical soul and decide to indulge, know that you're not only expanding your magical library but also supporting our coven's endeavors. Happy reading, and may the spirits guide you to the most enchanting adventures! 🌟📚✨